[[ T H E - A L P H A B E T ]]
`- - > answer, fill in the blanks, be truthful.
A-re you single?: unfortunately
B-uy your own clothes?: of course. not with my money, but i pick it
C-an you lick your elbow?: that would be weird
D-escribe the perfect guy: he should have some brain, abe shy but just a little. he shouldnt be preppy at all, tall, skinny, blonde.
E-ver puked after a roller coaster?: not after a rollercoaster
F-riends with benefits are OK, right?: yeah, it makes friendship funnier
G-ood looks are the most important thing?: no, but they count though
H-ave you said “I love you” and meant it?: every day
I-s Facebook your lifeline?: maybe
J-ealousy can be described as: i have something you don't and you want it, the end
K-iss and tell?: ?
L-ife isn’t worth living if: you have no expectatives, and dreams. oh, and someone to share things with.
M-oments you share with whom are unforgettable?: every time i lauhg with my bf's
O-ver your latest ex?: damn it i have no ex
P-erson who makes you laugh the hardest: agus olea
Q-ueen Bee in the 3rd grade was: ?
R-andom quote you love: "whats that disaproval look? I can't wait til you get botox!"
S-een any good movies lately?: nah
T-he first friend you ever had was: sofi leiro ant kindergarten
U-nder what circumstances would you cheat on your (imaginary) partner?: if someone famous appears suddenly haha, maybe if i can see a new relationship
V-ery awkard situations make you: weird
W-hat does your ideal dinner consist of?: i don't care what i eat as long as i have fun
X-boy/girlfriends are good for: feeling good
Y-our best advice on life is: ENJOY LIFE
Z-ebra print?:ugh